Youtube Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombies

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Zombies has proven to be a challenge for the community to unpack, but the Easter egg for IX has finally been solved by SmartGuy316, MrRoflWaffles and Liam Palmer. With their help, we'll walk you through the process of getting it done.

This guide assumes you have the following things:

  • A solid knowledge of named locations on the IX map
  • The Brazen Bull Shield
  • Pack-a-Punch
  • Death of Orion/Serket's Kiss Wonder Weapon

Use the links above if you need help getting those items.

Danu's Challenge

Once you've got all the items above, your first step is to go to the Arena and trigger Challenges by cutting these ropes on the outside walls. Finish three of them to get a bowl to spawn. Pick it up. You'll also get a Pack-a-Punch pistol as a reward as well.

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg 1 Knife Ropes
Cut these ropes and finish three challenges. Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Next, lure an ax-wielding Gladiator Zombie to throw its weapon at a pyre in the center of the stage. When it does that, the cut will break off a wooden plank nearby. Pick it up.

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg Egg 2 Pire
Get a Gladiator Zombie to throw his ax at a pyre. Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Proceed to the Odin Tower Cauldron and drop the wood in there. Wait for two or three rounds. While that's happening, go back to the Arena and have at least one member of your team score some negative affinity. The fastest way to do this is to pass through the flames around the outside.

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg 3 Cauldron
Bring the wood to the Odin Tower Cauldron. Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Eventually your meter will be a red thumbs down, and the crowd will start throwing things at you, including poop. Run through this nasty projectile while holding the interact button to pick it up.

Once you've got poop in your inventory, go to the Pack-a-Punch temple and look for a special skull with a marking on its head. The skull will spawn in one of a few spots. Here are some pictures.

Spawn 1: Under any of the gold markings on the wall.

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg skull spawn 1
The first skull spawn spot Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Spawn 2: On this stone pillar closer to the center.

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The second skull spawn spot Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Spawn 3: On this wall near the stairs.

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The third skull spawn spot Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

The room is symmetrical, so it could be in these spots on either side. Regardless of the precise spawn spot, the skull is always in this general area. When you see it, equip your Specialist Weapon and it should fall to the ground. Pick it up when it does.

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg 7 skull
This is what the skull looks like. Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Now that you have a skull, you need to find a skull grinder. The skull grinder is known to spawn in one of three spots.

Spawn 1: In a window notch in the Flooded Crypt.

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg 8 skull grinder spawn 1
The first spawn spot for the skull grinder Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Spawn 2: In the corner nestled amongst a group of candles.

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg skull grinder spawn 2
The second spawn spot for the skull grinder Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Spawn 3: On the opposite side of those candles next to a fire.

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg skull grinder spawn 3
The third spawn spot for the skull grinder Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Again, all the spawn spots are close to one another, so don't fret if it's not in any of these places. It's likely to be very close by.

Once you find the grinder, put the skull in it and shoot it with a charged Death of Orion shot at least three times. The electricity will make the grinder crush the skull into goo.

Take the poop, skull goo and wood to this large bowl in Zeus' Bath House. Interact with it to mix all the ingredients together. It will take two to three rounds for the process to finish. You'll know it's done when the bowl starts to smoke.

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg 11 Grinder bowl
Bring the grinder to this bowl in Zeus' Bath House. Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Go to the Danu Tower Arboretum and place the gross offering on the dry ground like so. Wait two to three rounds for the green smoke to return. At this point, it's smart to upgrade your special weapons and Pack-a-Punch your Death of Orion into Serket's Kiss. You'll also need a Pack-a-Punch weapon with the Firebomb upgrade as well.

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg 12 Danu floor
Place the disgusting heap in this dry spot on Danu's floor. Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Once the goo starts smoking again, get a Firebomb kill right on top if it. Keep going and the energy will infuse. When ready, stand on the goo and interact with it. You may need to pull out your special weapon for the teleportation to trigger.

The screen will go white, and you'll arrive at an unnamed location with red hives on the wall. You need to shoot them until they burst while avoiding lots of Zombies. As soon as a Max Ammo spawns, grab it and sprint up the stairs. You'll find another set of hives at the top of the stairs. Repeat this process a third time. You've officially appeased Danu.

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg 13 red bubbles
Shoot these red bubble hives to progress the challenge. Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Ra's Challenge

For Ra, you need to find four bull-head icons in specific areas of the map. Here are at least eight known spawn locations.

Spawn 1: In the Arena above the gate.

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg 14 bull spawn 1
The first bull icon spawn Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Spawn 2: Across from you on the bridge heading toward Zeus' Temple.

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The second bull icon spawn Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Spawn 3: By these hanging leaves in Odin-Zeus Temple entrance. Take a left to exit Odin's Temple.

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The third bull icon spawn Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Spawn 4: This righthand spot in the Pit.

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The fourth bull icon spawn Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Spawn 5: Behind this notch in the Ra Tower Burial Chamber.

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The fifth bull icon spawn Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Spawn 6: In this doorway in Danu Tunnel.

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The sixth bull icon spawn Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Spawn 7: Near this wooden door in the Flooded Crypt.

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The seventh bull icon spawn Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Spawn 8: Behind this barrier in the Danu Altar Room.

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The eighth bull icon spawn Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

When you find a bull, use the Brazen Bull's ranged fire attack to light it up. Each one spawns a high-level Zombie. Kill them until you have four souls stored in Ra's statue. When you do, the Ra statue will shoot a beam at the obelisk ahead. At this point, you'll be locked into Ra's Temple.

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg 22 symbol pillar
The symbols on this pillar reveal the order of Special Zombies you must kill. Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

When you interact with the obelisk, it will briefly show four symbols that correspond to special Zombie types. The translation for each symbol is below. Read the symbols from bottom to top, and kill special Zombies in the order shown. You can kill regular ones at any time, but special ones must be dispatched in the displayed order. Kill the four designated Zombies, return to the obelisk and repeat.

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg 23 zombie chart
Here's how you decode each of the symbols. Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Zeus' Challenge

Update: As of patch 1.03, you may need to first approach the central pillar in the Arena to teleport to the area with the hooks. Once you do you'll be locked underground, but the spawn locations remain the same.

For this challenge, you're looking for four hook-like screws you raise to the surface by shooting them. Here are four possible spawn locations.

Spawn 1: In the Cursed Room.

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg 24 zeus hook 1
The first lightning rod location Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Spawn 2: In Danu Tunnel.

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The second lightning rod location Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Spawn 3: In the Collapsed Tunnel.

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The third lightning rod location Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Spawn 4: In Odin Tunnel.

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The fourth lightning rod location Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Go to the central platform in the Arena, and you'll notice the symbols there are illuminated. At this point, get your whole team to interact with it. When you spawn in, go to the nearby Pack-a-Punch and keep rolling till you get the Kilowatt upgrade. When you have it, go back to the Arena and kill Zombies inside the electric circles with Kilowatt. As you do, the rods will fill up with souls. Larger Zombies tend to offer more souls. The electricity will dissipate when you're done with each of the circles.

Complete that task, and the central pillar will have four electric balls on it. Assign one podium to each player and interact till all the balls turn red. If you have fewer than four players, you'll need to quickly rotate between pillars to get all four to turn.

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg 28 red symbol
When all of these balls glow red, you're ready to progress. Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

You'll be teleported to a challenge for a few minutes where you have to survive in an insane arena for about 90 seconds. Finish that and Zeus' Challenge is done.

Odin's Challenge

For this challenge you need to electrify three groups of three symbols using your Death of Orion or Serket's Kiss. Just shoot exactly where the images show to line up your shots. You'll know you've done it right when the symbols stay lit.

Danu Tunnel

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg 29 odin symbol 1
The first Odin symbol spot Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

The Crypts

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The second Odin symbol spot Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

The Pit

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The third Odin symbol spot Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

You're finished when you get a dialogue line about a water main break. Bring your whole team to this grate in the Pit to trigger the final challenge. If it doesn't work, your symbols aren't properly lit. You might also want to Pack-a-Punch Serket's Kiss for the wave of Zombies ahead.

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg 32 odin grate
Once you illuminate all symbols, make your way to this grate. Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

When you've conquered this wave, go to the grate that's now filling up with water to grab the key. If you can't leave, it's possible there may be a stray Zombie lurking in the surrounding area.

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg 33 odin grate key
Defeat the Zombies and pick up the grate key. Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

The Boss Fight

As is customary, now's the time to refill your ammo, get your favorite Perks and refresh your Elixirs. Once you've done that, approach this orb in the Arena. Kill the massive Zombie herd until the boss approaches. Make use of the permanent Max Ammos from your kills.

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg 34 arena boss
Go here to start the final boss battle. Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

Your main boss is this large elephant that you kill by hitting its exposed weak spot in its heart and ribcage. You may need to shoot the riders of the beast as well, while being aware of possible slam attacks. Keep pushing, and you'll eventually knock off the elephant's armor. When this happens its weak spot is the glowing area on its forehead. Eventually it will go down, and you'll need to take down another elephant with a similar strategy. Congratulations! You've solved the IX Easter egg.

Black Ops 4 IX Easter Egg 35 elephant
Shoot the elephant's armor, side, ribs and heart to take it down. Treyarch/Activision/MrRoflWaffles @ YouTube

That's all there is to know about the Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Zombies map called IX.

What did you think of this Easter egg quest? Were you able to finish it using this guide? Tell us in the comments section!

Youtube Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Zombies


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